Issun Boshi
premiere date: 10th and 11th September 2021
Phantasm — an illusory, hallucinatory phenomenon, strange thing that has fantastic character.
— Theodor Ziehen, German psychiatrist

'What a strange dream I had', — Alice thought, and she ran home, not to be late for tea.

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Пренесете се в Япония със спектакъла „Дъщерята на самурая“
Спектакълът е по японската народна приказка „Химе с голямата шапка“
Issun Boshi is as small as a grain of rice! But he is smart and brave. He can read and write and also learns to be a samurai. With the help of a bowl, a needle and a charming koi fish, the Sun Boy reaches the big city of Kyoto! There he manages to find a job, meets the beautiful girl Hanako and confronts the terrible monster Oni. Exciting and magical, the story teaches us how "important it is to help others!"

The show is a Bulgarian-Japanese collaboration, with great attention to the detail and the Japanese culture. The audience can enjoy handmade "Takeda" marionettes, as well as giant puppets, shadow theater, original music and poetry.
A modern spectator is ready for transformation
We believe that a modern viewer is ready to transform the sophisticated consumer of theatrical activity into a partner. Together with the audience, we create 'Phantasms' on the stage, and a joint creative act, which remains true as long as the effect of surprise and unpredictability is present. Each performance is born from the interaction of the actors and the audience, each performance — experiment, so your applause — this is not an expression of gratitude for what you saw, but rather a sign of consent to participate in the event.
Director: Lyubomira Kostova
Mentor: Senju Takeda
Scenography and puppets: Senju Takeda and Mila Dikalova
Assistant scenographer: Victoria Andrekova
Music: Maria Mihaylova
Music director: Gyorgi Georgiev – Antiqua
Actors: Angel Kalev, Georgi-Manoel Dimitrov, Dimitra Popova, Nia Yanakieva, Radost Kozhuharova and Svetoslav Tiholov
Poetry: Maria Doneva
Production and video recording assistant: Kaloyan Nikolov and RUBECULA Ltd.
Set design: Svilen Nikolov and Marin Panovski (ULTRA Ltd)
Kimono making: Dora Somoza
Puppets making: Senju Takeda, Zhivko Kanev, Krrasimir Raikov, Maria Stoycheva

When the idea is slipping from our consciousness, it does not cease to exist - as well as a machine for hiding an angle does not dissolve in the air. She was just out of sight. Later, we can meet this machine again, and how can we come across what previously was thought lost.

— Carl Gustav Jung, Analytical Psychology.

Media About Us
Ask questions, despite its banality, collectively run while sitting in the hall through the process that does not stop even after the performance. Of course, in the end, you can try to capture the author and the relativity of the world, but you will have to dig out the issues yourself and unpack them on your own. It is good for your soul.
Peter Grey, Theatre Observer
This is a very good performance. There are a lot of things. It is great for Toronto, where people are at the peak of their success, and it is helpful for them to look at their past and their roots.
Alex Zimberlaitman, Spectator
Предстоящи представления
January: 09, 13, 31 February: 02, 18, 29

Price / $10–$25. All performances start at / 20:00 pm.
Running time / 2 hours, 10 min. Age restrictions / 16+
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